So I gaze on you in the sanctuary
to see your strength and your glory.
For your love is better than life,
my lips will speak your praise. – Psalm 62(63)
Being a monk
‘The goal of the monastic journey is a gradual transformation into the likeness of Christ through the action of the Spirit of God.’ – OCSO Guidelines on Formation
The life of a monk is waiting for God. In solitude, silence and brotherly life he tries to open himself up for God’s friendship and love. In constant prayer, in steady listening to God’s Word and in service and labour he surrenders to God’s work and guidance.
This waiting and waking last a whole lifetime.
Becoming a monk – what is not a condition
No special previous education or diploma is demanded to become a monk, neither a ‘successful’ past nor an ‘exemplary’ Christian life.
Becoming a monk – yet, what is important
The candidate must be inspired with an inner drive and longing for God. He ‘feels’ a silent ‘call’ to which he wants to respond with his whole existence. He wishes to give shape to his faith as a monk within a concrete community of brothers. He finds joy in prayer and liturgy, loves silence and solitude.
The candidate needs to be a Roman Catholic, unmarried and not in a relationship, fit and in good mental and physical health, with no debts or dependants, with a reasonably well balanced personality, generous, intelligent, with a sense of humour, and (usually) is under 50.
Becoming a monk – Normal Entry Procedures:
- Come and see…
You come for an introductory visit for five to seven days. You will be able to stay in our Monastic Guesthouse adjoining the Abbey, and work, pray and eat with the community. The Vocations Director will speak with you.
If the experience proves positive, one or two further visits are made.
If your interest remains strong, and the community also feels you have a monastic vocation here, you will be invited to do a ‘live-in’, in a cell in the monastery, usually for a month, living, praying and working within the community, to give both you and us a deeper insight into your suitability for monastic life. If all goes well you will be invited to apply to enter.
If you love, come! – Saint Augustine
You can contact us by email or letter addressed to:
Vocations Director, Fr Jan Rossey.
Caldey Abbey, Caldey Island, off Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7UH