Safeguarding on Caldey Island.
Caldey Abbey and Caldey Island voluntarily operate under the Religious Life Safeguarding Service, under the overall umbrella of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency. The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) is a central agency which is a professional standards body to which all Catholic Dioceses and Religious Life Groups in England and Wales are accountable. Under that contractual agreement they have opted to follow the principles, policies and procedures as outlined below. Our Safeguarding Lead is Allison Parkinson (her contact details are listed at the bottom of this page). Our Safeguarding Trustee is Maria Battle.
Caldey Abbey and Caldey Island fully support and endorse the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission statement as follows:-
“The Catholic Church in England and Wales is striving towards a culture of safeguarding where all are safe from harm and abuse and where every person is encouraged and enabled to enjoy the fullness of life in Jesus Christ through the prayerful, caring, nurturing, supportive and protective endeavours of the Catholic community, both individually and collectively.” TaCoS 2012
We have not always been alert to concerns, we have not always responded as we should, but we are listening, learning, changing.
Safeguarding on the island is of paramount importance and the Abbey is dedicated to promoting the safeguarding of all children and young/vulnerable adults at risk within its community. Caldey Abbey, with the support and assistance of the Religious Life Safeguarding Service, aims to proactively embed a culture of safeguarding to prevent abuse occurring in the first instance, to provide support to individuals who have been hurt by abuse, and take the necessary actions to reduce the likelihood of further harm.
The Abbey Safeguarding Representative and the RLSS liaise closely with statutory agencies to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and thoroughly investigated and where appropriate, survivors supported and perpetrators held to account.
Caldey Abbey and Caldey Island also support the All Wales Child Protection Procedures, which may be found at www.childreninwales.org.uk/our-work/safeguarding. They are based on the principle that the protection of children from harm is the responsibility of all individuals and agencies working with children and families, and with adults who may pose a risk to children. (The 2008 Procedures were reviewed during 2018 by the All Wales Child Protection Procedures Review Group, who have the responsibility for keeping the procedures and protocols up to date and fit for purpose). To this end Caldey Abbey and Caldey Island are supported by and work with those relevant agencies and local authority departments who have a safeguarding remit for both children and Vulnerable Adults.
As part of our commitment to safeguarding, the Abbot commissioned an independent review into historic child abuse. The Review is complete and can be read in full here:
The Abbot has made the following statement in response to the Review:
Statement of Father Jan Rossey, Abbot of Caldey Abbey
It is with deep sorrow and regret that I have read in the review of the great suffering of children who were abused by Father Thaddeus Kotik and the closed culture of secrecy and cover-up which kept this hidden.
It is clear opportunities were missed to stop the abuse of children. It is particularly heartbreaking to hear children spoke up to adults and no action was taken.
Children and their families were failed when they should have been supported and listened to. The abuses should have been reported to the statutory authorities.
On behalf of the monastic community, I sincerely apologise to all those who have been hurt and have suffered because of the abuse of Thaddeus Kotik and past failures in not protecting children and their families. It is particularly odious when abuse is committed and hidden by people who are in positions of trust because of their monastic or priestly vocation.
Since becoming the new Abbot on Caldey Island in 2023 I have been determined to create a culture of openness and transparency. I want to take ownership and responsibility for past failings. I want to ensure we learn lessons from the mistakes in the past and create a safer environment for everyone.
It is for these reasons that I commissioned an independent review into historical claims of child abuse on the island. The first step to healing is listening. It is important that those who may have been harmed in any way have a voice and are heard.
Since becoming Abbot, I have ensured that many safeguarding improvements have been put in place. These are detailed in the review. I have also reached out through Jan Pickles OBE to everyone who gave evidence offering to meet with them in person to apologise, to offer support and to thank them for their courage.
I thank everyone who bravely came forward to give evidence of their experience to the Review and I promise that I will do my utmost to prevent abuse from ever happening again on Caldey Island.
Father Jan Rossey
Abbot of Caldey
Caldey Island, Off Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7UJ
For More Information
• Please see this website for a full copy of the Review, Frequently Asked Questions, Improvements in Safeguarding and recording of Father Jan Rossey
Phone calls
• Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS) on 0151 5562311
• Police on 101
• Caldey Island Safeguarding Lead, Allison Parkinson on 07562 946894
• RLSS -Safeguarding@religioussafeguarding.org
• Caldey Island Safeguarding Lead, Allison Parkinson - allison@caldey-island.co.uk
Improvements to Safeguarding Protocols at Caldey Abbey:
• Father Jan Rossey was appointed acting Abbot in January 2023. This was confirmed through his election as Abbot in April 2024.
• In June 2023 Father Jan Rossey appointed a new Caldey Island Manager and a volunteer Safeguarding Lead.
• In July 2023, Father Jan Rossey appointed a new Board of Directors and Trustees bringing in two lay people with legal/governance and financial expertise. The Board agreed new Terms of Reference and governance structure which ensured safeguarding is reported to every meeting, held at least bi-monthly. The island manager is accountable to the Board.
• Father Jan Rossey asked the volunteer Safeguarding Lead to review the safeguarding files held by the former Caldey Abbey solicitors and the former safeguarding lead. The review was completed in December 2023.
• This led to Father Jan Rossey commissioning in March 2024, with the agreement of the monastic community, an external independent review into historical allegations of abuse made by Mr. Kevin O`Connell. He committed to extend the review depending on the evidence received.
• Father Jan Rossey extended the review in June 2024 to all allegations of historic and non -recent child abuse connected with Caldey Island
• Before the tourist season commenced in April 2024, all the monastic community, employees, volunteers and islanders received safeguarding training. This was to raise awareness of what constitutes safeguarding and to improve reporting.
• The mandatory requirement for monks to have a DBS checks was extended to all islanders, volunteers and employees. The monastic community had been DBS checked in January 2023.
• In addition, the Safeguarding Policy was reviewed and agreed by the Board, a dedicated safeguarding telephone number and e-mail address set up, safeguarding posters displayed at key sites on the Island, a missing child form adopted and the emergency plan agreed with the authorities.
In July and August 2024 the Board agreed the following safeguarding policies and procedures:
• Caring Safely for Others including that every member of the monastic community was mandated to read the policy and sign they had read and agreed to adhere to it.
• An application process for new tenants to include original identification documents, DBS checks, references, NI number and interview with the Abbot and Island Manager
• An application process for visiting priests which requires the safeguarding Lead to be notified by the Abbot, and checks with the Safeguarding Team in the priest’s diocese.
• Managing Concerns/Allegations policy based on the Catholic Safeguarding Services Authority (CSSA) model, including establishing an independent Safeguarding Sub-committee should the application to come under the safeguarding umbrella of the Diocese of Menevia not go ahead.
• Safe Boundaries Guidance for Catholic Priests and Monks in line with 'Caring Safely for Others'.
• Caldey Abbey Safeguarding Risk Register.
Other important changes:
• A qualified and experienced Social Worker who did not live on the Island was employed part-time as the interim Safeguarding Lead in October 2024.
• A Safeguarding Sub-committee was established in October 2024, comprised of independent professional people with safeguarding expertise in Health, Education, Children’s Rights and Human Resources and chaired by the Safeguarding Trustee. Terms of Reference were recommended to the Board by the Sub-committee and approved.
• A new computer system, ‘My Concern’, was purchased in October 2024 which will enable Safeguarding concerns to be stored in a timely and secure way, in accordance with GDPR rules. It will also enable the Safeguarding Lead to produce reports and statistics easily for the Board and Safeguarding Sub Committee and the CSSA and Religious Life Safeguarding (RLSS).
• Caldey Abbey advertised in November 2024 for a permanent part-time Safeguarding Lead who is an experienced qualified social worker and not resident on the Island.
• Through 2023/2024 close links have been developed with Pembrokeshire County Council’s Safeguarding department and Dyfed Powys police and safeguarding referrals made when appropriate.
• Caldey Abbey receives the services and advice of the RLSS, which is an independent team of safeguarding professionals for religious bodies in the Catholic Church. The regulator is the CSSA, which will be auditing safeguarding on Caldey Island in 2025.
Caldey Island, Off Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7UJ
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
What is the response of the Abbot to the Review?
It is with deep sorrow and regret that the Abbot read of the great suffering of children who were abused by Father Thaddeus Kotik and the closed culture of secrecy and cover-up which kept this hidden. It is clear opportunities were missed to stop the abuse of children, and he found it particularly heartbreaking to hear children spoke up to adults and no action was taken.
The Abbot believes children and their families were failed when they should have been supported and listened to. The abuses should have been reported to the statutory authorities.
On behalf of the monastic community, he sincerely apologises to all those who have been hurt and have suffered because of the abuse of Thaddeus Kotik and past failures in not protecting children and their families. It is, in his opinion, particularly odious when abuse is committed and hidden by people who are in positions of trust because of their monastic or priestly vocation.
He thanks everyone who bravely came forward to give evidence of their experience to the review and promises that the lessons from the review will be learnt.
What does the Abbot wish to say to the Victim/Survivors?
The Abbot has reached out through Jan Pickles OBE to everyone who gave evidence offering to meet with them in person to apologise, to offer support and to thank them for their courage.
Why was the review commissioned?
The new leadership on Caldey Island is committed to transparency, openness and healing. The first step to healing is listening and Father Jan Rossey, the new Abbot, believes that people affected by historic abuse had not been properly heard. He wanted those affected to have a voice and that the lessons from the past are learned and to ensure everyone living on and visiting the island is safe.
Who is Jan Pickles OBE, the independent reviewer?
Jan is the former Assistant Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales. She is an experienced social worker and has also worked in the third sector, probation service, government and the NSPCC. She is the director of a safeguarding advisory service to government, local authorities, NGOs, education, sport, faith groups and the private sector. She has undertaken a wide range of similar reviews including Chelsea Football Club, Winchester College and British Gymnastics and she recently chaired the Logan Mwangi Review. She was a member of the National Independent Safeguarding Board of Wales and a non-executive Director for an NHS Trust.
How is it possible that the abuse was allowed to continue for so long?
There are many factors that made it possible for the abuse to continue as the review shows. We don’t want to defend the past, but the historical background has to be taken into account. Society and the Church have come a long way since in establishing safeguarding awareness and procedures to prevent children and vulnerable adults from being abused. The monastic community and the island management has made safeguarding its priority.
The former Abbot is still living at the monastery on Caldey. He’s not accused of abuse of any kind, but his failures are made clear in the report. Why is he still a monk living on the Island?
The former Abbot fully and absolutely acknowledges his failings and mistakes in the past. He chose not to be re-elected as abbot in 2023 when his term ended. So, he returned to be an ordinary monk among the other brothers in the community. He is still a monk and a priest – those are vows made for life – but he is no longer in a position of authority in the community or on the island.
Although many safeguards are now in place there is a very recent example of a monk being arrested for alleged crimes of a sexual nature. How can you say things have changed?
Allegations about this monk are indeed being investigated by the police, and because it is an active investigation, no comments can be made about this. Yet, this is a prime example of how our safeguarding procedures are in place and operational. The allegations were properly dealt with by referring them to the social services and the police before his arrest.
The review states that a known child abuser skipped a court appearance in the UK and made his way to Caldey and lived there for seven years under an assumed name. How can that happen?
It is dreadful that such a thing happened. The man was not a monk and lived on the island for about 7 years without anyone on the island knowing his true identity and background. The moment his true identity became known, it was reported to the police who arrested him and took him away. Now procedures and processes are put in place to prevent similar things happening in the future, like DBS checks, the requirement of original identification documents, references, NI number and interviews with the abbot and island manager.
Similar procedures are in place for new tenants and visiting priests, who are also checked with the safeguarding offices of their diocese.
How can Caldey even consider continuing after this?
Terrible things have happened in the past on Caldey Island, that should not have happened. Yet one should not forget that there has been a monastic presence on Caldey since the sixth century. For over 1400 years Caldey has been an important centre of worship in Wales. People are drawn to the island not only because of its beautiful nature and wildlife, for the peace and quiet, for its historical heritage, but also because of the monastic presence of a community of monks who dedicate their life to prayer for the people of this world and on their behalf. The tens of thousands of people who visit Caldey yearly may be assured that now and in the future Caldey is a safe place again.
Will the full review be published?
Yes. The review is published in full on the Caldey Abbey Website.
Was this a public inquiry?
No, this was an independent review. Requests for a public inquiry were not granted by the Welsh Government. Caldey Abbey does not have the legal powers to hold a public Inquiry but the new leadership at Caldey Abbey was keen to take the initiative to listen to the evidence and act on the recommendations of the independent reviewer.
Can I have an interview with Fr Jan Rossey now about the review?
Father Jan Rossey has already given interviews about the review. His statement and the full review and frequently asked questions can be accessed on the website.
Is it safe for me and my family to go to Caldey?
Yes, comprehensive improvements in safeguarding have been put in place as stated in the Review. These can be seen on the website.
Was the review truly independent if Caldey Abbey funded it?
Absolutely. Caldey Abbey did not know what the reviewer would find and has not influenced its findings or recommendations.
Will the recommendations be implemented in full?
Many safeguarding improvements have been put in place and the Board of Caldey Abbey will consider all the recommendations and ensure they are implemented as quickly as possible building on the sound foundations already in place.
What do I do if I have information that might be relevant to the review?
The review is now complete. If you have any further information, or safeguarding concerns, please contact Allison Parkinson (Caldey Safeguarding Lead), the Religious Life Safeguarding Service or the Police. Please see contact details below.
Phone calls
• Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS) on 0151 5562311
• Police on 101
• Allison Parkinson (Caldey Island Safeguarding Lead) on 07562 946894
• RLSS -Safeguarding@religioussafeguarding.org
• Allison Parkinson (Caldey Island Safeguarding Lead) allison@caldey-island.co.uk
• Maria Battle (Caldey Island Safeguarding Trustee) safeguarding@caldey-island.co.uk
• Please see this website for a full copy of the Review and Improvements in Safeguarding and statement and recording of Father Jan Rossey
Caldey Island, Off Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7UJ
What is Safeguarding ?
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is described as:-
· The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully… Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
The definition of Safeguarding adults at risk is described as:-
· Action to prevent abuse or to protect persons thought to be at risk of abuse or neglect or poor standards of care by any other person or persons that violates their human and civil rights.
The Catholic Church acknowledges the value of every human life and promotes the duty to support all people and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is an essential element of the Catholic Church that fulfils the mission and calling given by Christ to value every human life.
Following the publication of The Nolan report in 2001, the Catholic Safeguarding Service Agency (CSSA) has implemented robust Safeguarding Policies and Procedures, regarding the protection of children and adults at risk and also places paramount importance upon the welfare of the alleged victim. www.catholicsafeguarding.org.uk
The Catholic Church provides a wide range of ministries and activities which children and adults at risk participate in. For example, Children’s Liturgy groups within parishes, Eucharistic Ministers, SVP and Parish Volunteers visiting the sick and offering support. The Church also provides care for the victims and survivors of historical abuse allegations.
In addition the Church ministers to and manages individuals alleged to have caused harm.
The Order recognises its responsibility in the safeguarding of the personal dignity and rights of all vulnerable people and is committed to take all appropriate steps to maintain a safe environment for them. It will also liaise with statutory agencies to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and properly investigated and where appropriate, survivors are supported and perpetrators held to account.
Caldey Island is a monastic island off the coast of Pembrokeshire. Each year we welcome up to 50,000 members of the public. The aim of this policy is to ensure visitors and islanders and monks living on the island are safeguarded.
We recognise within this number of visitors many people may be seeking peace and some spiritual guidance and are struggling with their own difficulties whilst others, sometimes with their friends and families, have come to enjoy the island.All the members of the monastic community on Caldey Island are committed to safeguarding. We are aware of the safeguarding reports and share the concerns of the Holy Father Pope Francis for those who have suffered abuse at the hands of members of the Church, priests and religious. We recognise the need for prayer and reparation at this time. We start from the principle that each person has a right to expect the highest level of protection, love, encouragement and respect. We are committed to the One Church Approach to safeguarding by implementing the changes needed and ensuring we respond to victim/survivors promptly and compassionately.
This policy and procedure applies to the monastic community and all who live and work on Caldey Island.It is the responsibility of everyone to prevent, whether by action or omission abuse: physical; sexual; emotional; spiritual; neglect; self-neglect; organisational; material; psychological; financial; domestic or verbal.
The monastic community and all who live and work on Caldey Island will undergo safeguarding training to Level 1 every 3 years and the safeguarding and deputy safeguarding leads to Level 3 refreshed annually.
The Board of Directors of Caldey Island Estate Limited (The Board) has a duty to maintain appropriate governance and oversight of safeguarding in line with this policy and the Social Services and Wellbeing Act (2014) and the All Wales Safeguarding Procedures and for ensuring appropriate policy, procedures and best practice are in place for the effective delivery of a robust safeguarding service. The Board delegates to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Maria Battle, direct oversight of safeguarding policy and guidance. This includes oversight of the relationship with the Religious Life Safeguarding Service (RLSS). All monastic community members and all who live and work on Caldey Island have an obligation to ensure they know how to respond to safeguarding concerns by making themselves familiar with the content of this policy.Everyone on Caldey Island has a duty to disclose to the Safeguarding Lead and/or Deputy Safeguarding Lead and/or the RLSS any safeguarding concerns.
Action must be taken if there is a concern that a child or adult is suffering or is likely to be suffering from significant harm. This includes, but is not limited to:
· Someone who is at serious risk of harm from self or others
· Someone who poses a serious risk of harm to someone else
· A concern about a child or vulnerable adult at risk of harm from someone else
· Concerns over someone’s mental capacity
If anyone is concerned that a child or adult is in immediate danger or it is an emergency do not hesitate in calling 999 straightaway. If anyone is worried about someone or need to report harm or abuse, record your concern and please contact the safeguarding lead or deputy safeguarding lead.
Phone: 07562 946894 or
E mail: safeguarding@caldey-island.co.uk
Or contact the Religious Life Safeguarding Service
E Mail: safeguarding@religioussafeguarding.org
Phone: 0151 5562311
The Safeguarding leads and/or the RLSS will:
· Ensure the victim/survivor or individual has been informed of the next steps
· Explain what will happen, give them options if possible and an indicative timescale
· Contact any relevant bodies within 24 hours
· Complete the safeguarding paperwork and ensure appropriate record keeping of all phone calls, meetings and discussions in relation to the case are documented.
· Update the relevant people and offer any support needed
The Board will encourage and enable anyone with a safeguarding concern to refer the concern without fear of victimisation, or disadvantage. If that concern is regarding malpractice, illegal acts, or omissions by the monastic community in relation to safeguarding, then the RLSS will be made aware. The action taken by the RLSS will depend upon the nature of the concern referred. However, an investigation will be undertaken if appropriate, followed by appropriate action and written feedback will be provided, including a rationale documenting the reasons why identified actions have been taken.
The Board has a responsibility to ensure that all case files held are accurate, up to date and stored securely. If the RLSS is responsible for the management of a case, RLSS will ensure records are accurate, auditable, and secure and all records of any safeguarding concerns or allegations referred will be properly maintained.
The Board will ensure that monastic members, lay staff and volunteers and islanders are subject to the appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (including enhanced DBS) in line with both statutory and Catholic Church requirements and any previous names are subject to DBS checks.Appointments will be based on the person's experience, skills and ability to meet the set criteria and job specification for the specific role. It is essential to ensure that all documentation relating to the applicants are kept in a secure place and are confidential. Appointment to a role will not be confirmed until a satisfactory DBS Disclosure check has been received and previous employment references confirmed as being acceptable.
On appointment, all new employees should be provided with and sign to say they understand all relevant policy and procedures, including a copy of this document and their responsibilities within it highlighted. Anyone who is seeking to work with children or adults whether in a paid or unpaid capacity must be provided with the opportunity to self-disclose relevant conviction information. This is a DBS Code of Practice requirement and applies to anyone being asked to have an Enhanced Disclosure.
This policy was approved by the Board on 23rd March 2024 and will be subject to an initial review in April 2025 and then every 3 years or sooner, if a need is identified.
Policy last updated: 23rd March 2024
Name: Safeguarding Policy Review
Date of next review: April 2025
Caldey Island Safeguarding Lead:-
Allison Parkinson: Tel: 07562 946894 Email allison@caldey-island.co.uk
The Menevia Diocese Safeguarding Co-ordinator contact details are as follows:-
Sarah Jane Bailey, Safeguarding Commission, 27 Convent Street, Greenhill, Swansea, SA1 2BX
Tel 01792 468672 Email safeguarding@menevia.org
Safeguarding contacts :- ·
- CSSA : www.catholicsafeguarding.org.uk/victim-survivor-engagement-national/ 02079 011920
- RLSS (Religious Life Safeguarding Service) : https://religioussafeguarding.org
- NSPCC 0808 800 500 / www.nspcc.org.uk
- Child Line 0800 1111 / www.childline.org.uk
· Careline 0300 333 2222
· Stop it Now Helpline 0808 1000 900
· Action on Elder Abuse 0808 808 8141 www.elderabuse.org.uk
· Age Cymru 0800 0223 444 www.ageuk.org.uk/cymru
· National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247
- Live Fear Free helpline 0800 80 10 800
- Women’s Aid 0808 2000 247 www.womensaid.org.uk
- Children in Wales :- 029 2034 2434 www.childreninwales.org.uk
- Keeping Children Safe Online :- www.wizcase.com/blog/safely-raising-children-in-an-online-world/
· Local Authority Safeguarding Team Offices:
· Blaenau Gwent 01495 315700
· Carmarthenshire 01267 228944
· Swansea 01792 456999
· Neath Port Talbot 01639 683021
· Powys 01597 827666
· Ceredigion Child 01545 572639 Adult 01545 572111
· Pembrokeshire 01437 764551 Child Ext 6644, Adult Ext 6071